Michael Kokorin, Developer in Batumi, Adjara, Georgia
Michael is available for hire
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Michael Kokorin

Verified Expert  in Engineering

C# Developer

Batumi, Adjara, Georgia
Toptal Member Since
April 18, 2014

Michael是可伸缩和容错流程自动化系统的顶级架构师和开发人员. 他已经实现了许多分布式和可扩展的系统. Michael擅长构建多平台、高性能的系统. Also, he has deep knowledge of .NET和Angular,以及许多其他广泛使用的技术和库.


Qoden Tech
Krikawa (via Toptal)
RestSharp, NLog, Autofac, T-SQL (Transact-SQL), Dapper, ASP.NET MVC...




Preferred Environment

C#, .. NET、Git、JetBrains Rider、Windows、Visual Studio、Angular

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Data Visualization Developer

2019 - 2020
Capital Asset Software, Pty., Ltd. (via Toptal)
  • 开发了一个将自定义方案定义转换为矢量绘图的应用程序.
Technologies: DXF, .NET, C#

Architect and Full-stack Developer

2017 - 2019
Qoden Tech
  • 创建了与KYC系统和多级订阅用户管理的集成.
  • 将自定义加密货币添加到交易所并处理此加密货币的订单.
  • 为加密货币交换核心创建了一个限制子系统.
  • 将几个应用程序从旧的交换核心迁移到新的交换核心.
Technologies: 亚马逊网络服务(AWS)、JavaScript、微服务、Ansible、Terraform、Azure, Docker, Kubernetes, Know Your Customer (KYC), Twilio, WebSockets, Progressive Web Applications (PWA), PWA, Web API, NATS, Cryptocurrency, .NET Core, C#

Full-stack Developer

2017 - 2019
Krikawa (via Toptal)
  • Migrated a product from Web Forms to MVC.
  • Optimized and improved site performance.
  • Developed new features for the admin section of the site.
技术:RestSharp, NLog, Autofac, T-SQL (Transact-SQL), Dapper, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Web Forms

C# Developer

2018 - 2018
Panacea Biotec (via Toptal)
  • Designed microservices architecture.
  • Implemented role-based security for microservices.
  • 创建了一个微服务模板,供客户端将来使用.
  • Implemented file storage with metadata based on MongoDB.
Technologies: MongoDB, Docker, Web API, C#

.NET and SQL Developer

2017 - 2018
FinDox, Inc. (via Toptal)
  • Refactored an existing solution.
  • 创建一个测试框架来进行数据库、存储库和服务回归测试.
  • Developed tools to make integration with CI more efficient.
技术:实体框架,邮差,PostgreSQL, Web API, GraphQL, NUnit, .NET Core, C#

WCF Developer

2017 - 2017
GamerCal (via Toptal)
  • 为移动应用程序的后端服务创建了新功能.
  • 在管理面板中添加了控制WCF服务行为的新功能.
  • 在沙箱和生产服务器上部署和解决问题.
Technologies: Microsoft SQL Server, Windows Services, PushSharp, Entity Framework, Windows Communication Framework (WCF), C#, .NET

.NET Developer

2017 - 2017
Advanced Metrics (via Toptal)
  • Developed new features.
  • Refactored existing code.
  • Fixed bugs and tested software.
  • Architected new components.
Technologies: ASP.NET MVC, Microsoft SQL Server, Entity Framework, C#, .NET

DB and Web Server Analyst

2016 - 2017
Codigo (via Toptal)
  • Reviewed the current application structure.
  • Optimized the most critical parts of the application.
  • 为团队提供步骤和指导,使项目更有效.
  • Investigated failures.
  • Profiled the application and identified hot points.
技术:模型视图控制器(MVC), Stackify, Microsoft SQL Server, c#, .NET

C# Developer

2016 - 2016
EZLinks Golf LLC (via Toptal)
  • 为web应用程序设计和开发新功能.
  • Refactored existing code.
  • 修复bug并为新功能和现有功能编写测试.
Technologies: Swagger, REST APIs, JSON, ASP.NET MVC, .NET, C#

C# Developer

2015 - 2016
Speedwell (via Toptal)
  • Developed new features.
  • Refactored existing code.
  • Provided support and fixed bugs.
技术:Protobuf, NUnit, WPF, .NET, C#

Senior Developer

2015 - 2016
Positive Technologies
  • 为基于Microsoft SDL的静态分析和漏洞检测自动化相关的项目创建计划和评估.
  • 设计了基于插件系统的应用体系结构.
  • 为查询执行分析而设计的内部DSL.
  • Implemented critical parts of the application.
  • 实现了与不同系统和应用程序(如静态分析器)的集成, firewalls, version control systems, and issue and bug tracking systems.
Technologies: PostSharp, Microsoft Unity, ASP.NET MVC, Windows Communication Framework (WCF), C#, .NET

Software Architect, Team Lead

2014 - 2015
BARS Group
  • Created a high-performance system to manage client data. 该系统能够存储超过300万条的分层数据记录.
  • 开发了几个高性能WCF服务,用于在不同系统之间交换数据.
  • 为惰性任务执行创建并实现可靠的高性能算法.
  • Created a local project development team.
  • Created a team workflow and team guidelines.
技术:Windows通信框架(WCF), JavaScript, Castle Windsor, Ext JS, ASP.NET MVC, C#, .NET

Senior .NET Developer

2011 - 2014
Magora Systems
  • 为分布式、可伸缩、多平台和容错系统创建了体系结构.
  • Implemented several high-performance websites.
  • 创建了一个从照片中识别特定文本的应用程序,准确率为85%.
  • 将团队的工作从SVN转移到Mercurial,并教授所有团队成员.
  • Created team guidelines and team workflow.
技术:Windows通信框架(WCF),实体框架,jQuery, JavaScript, c++, c#, .NET

C# and C++ Developer

2007 - 2011
  • 为Windows和Linux平台实现了许多脚本和实用程序.
  • 开发了几种有限元方法求解微分方程的实现.
  • 使用c#和c++语言在两个月内不间断地在100个处理器系统上实现了一个应用程序.
技术:英特尔MKL, LAPACK, BLAS,微软HPC, MPI, OpenMP, c++ /CLI, c++, c#

Receipt Recognition Application

识别收据上的日期、时间和金额的web应用程序. We used Tesseract as the OCR engine, 并为该项目创建了一种特殊的二值化算法,准确率达到85%.

Photobooth Application

一个WPF应用程序,连接佳能EOS相机,并允许用户拍摄单张照片, a series of photos, or a short video.

Transponder Information Analysis Application

从铁路上的应答器收集和处理信息的内部网web应用程序. 此应用程序计算应答器的可靠性,并建议维护操作.

Microsoft Certified Professional

微软认证专业人员(MCP)认证通过严格验证IT专业人员和开发人员的技术专长, industry-proven, and industry-recognized exams. MCP考试涵盖了广泛的微软产品、技术和解决方案.

- Transcript ID: 1026840
- Access Code: Michael495867


JavaScript, Domain-specific Languages (DSLs), TypeScript, T-SQL (Transact-SQL), C#, SQL, T4, SQL DDL, ASP.NET Razor, C#.NET, CSS, CSS4, CSS2, CSS3, GraphQL, HTML, HTML5, HTML4, JavaScript 6, JavaScript 5, SCSS, Sass, XML, XML/XSLT, XSLT, XSL, XSD, Bash, Bash Script, Less, MSIL, PL/pgSQL, Regex, UML, UML 2, XHTML, C++/CLI, C++, C, C++11, C++14, C++17, C++98, Artificial Intelligence Markup Language (AIML), Embedded Domain-specific Languages, VB.NET


Bootstrap 3, AngularJS, Bootstrap, Entity, Angular, NUnit, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET MVC 6, ASP.NET Web API, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), .NET, Windows Communication Framework (WCF), .NET Core, Windows PowerShell, ASP.NET Zero, Bootstrap 2, Bootstrap 3+, DevExpress XAF, ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC 4, ASP.NET Identity, ASP.NET Web Forms, ASP.NET Core 2, ASP.NET MVC 3, ASP.asp.net MVC 5, JavaScript MVC, IdentityServer 3, IdentityServer 4, Windows Identity Foundation, ADO.NET, Angular Material, MVC Razor, AJAX.OOP, gRPC, Serverless Framework, .NET 2, .NET 5, .NET 4, .NET 3, .NET Compact, .NET Micro, ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET Core MVC, ASP.NET Dynamic Data, ASP.NET Web Services, Entity Framework Core, Newtonsoft JSON, OAuth 2, Razor, Razor Pages, Realtime, Swagger, Express.js, NHibernate, Ext JS, Mono, Selenium, Jasmine, Kendo UI MVVM, Kendo UI, Kendo MVC, Telerik Kendo UI, Telerik Testing Framework, Xamarin.UITest, Blazor, Web Frameworks


JSONP, AngularUI, REST APIs, jQuery, .NET BCL, Windows Forms (WinForms), WMI, SQLite.NET, Flexbox, RxJS, Vue 2, Vue, ApexCharts.js, Stripe API, GitHub API, Xamarin.Android, Xamarin.iOS, Telerik Components for MVC, Node.. js、OpenMP、MPI、微软HPC、BLAS、LAPACK、英特尔MKL、Protobuf、亚马逊EC2 API、D3.js, jQuery SVG, jQuery CDN, jQuery UI, jQuery File Upload, jQuery Validation, jQuery Plugins, jQuery DataTables, jQuery Easing, jQuery EasyUI, DevExtreme, Log4Net, Facebook API, VK API, Zoho API, LinkedIn API, Twilio API, Twitter API, Web API, Web API 2, Web Audio API, Google API, Google APIs, Google Maps API, Google Speech API, Google Cloud API, ASPX, SharpPDF, HTML5 APIs, ArcGIS JavaScript API 3, LINQ, Jasmine-jQuery, Sockets, Socket.IO, Web Worker, ArcGIS, ArcGIS API 4, Azure Active Directory Graph API, Ajax Control Toolkit, Auth, Auth0 API, Auth0 Management API v2, Authorize.net, AutoMapper, Telegram Bot API, Entity Framework, Amazon API, Amazon Rekognition, Web Audio, Bitbucket API, HTML5 Canvas, HTML5 Web Workers, Mobile HTML5, Azure Computer Vision API, SignalR, Visual Studio SDK, Moq, TFS API, NgRx, NServiceBus, PayPal API, PushSharp, Quartz, RequireJS, Requests, SDL, Microsoft Face API, Azure Cognitive Services, Microsoft Enterprise Library, Social APIs, Social Media APIs


Visual Studio 2019, Microsoft Access, TFS, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), Microsoft Visual Studio, Autofac, AWS Simple Notification Service (SNS), Fiddler, ReSharper, MySQL Workbench, Amazon CloudFront CDN, AWS CloudFormation, Scraping Hub, PostSharp, Castle Windsor, Stackify, Postman, Amazon EBS, AWS Batch, Amazon CloudWatch, AWS Deployment, Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR), AWS ELB, Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), Amazon ElastiCache, AWS IAM, AWS Key Management Service (KMS), AWS Mobile SDK, AWS Step Functions, AWS Directory Service, Front-end Build Tools, Bower, Bower Front-end Dependency Manager, DevTest, Developer Express, Balsamiq, Balsamiq Mockups, T4 Toolbox, Docker Hub, Docker Compose, C#.NET WinForms, SharpDevelop, JavaScript Debugging, JavaScript Testing, CSS Lint, Angular CLI, Angular Universal, WCF Test Client, WCF RIA Services, Azure Active Directory B2C (ADB2C), Auth0, Google Cloud Console, Google Cloud Composer, CVS, Git, GitLab, GitHub, GitHub Pages, GitLab CI/CD, Grunt, Grunt Command Line Interface (CLI), Gulp, Telerik Reports, Telerik JustTrace, Telerik Data Access, Telerik Test Studio, Subversion (SVN), XMLUnit, Zabbix, Zapier, Outlook Web App (OWA), Shell, *nux Shells, MongoDB Shell, SoapUI, Visual Studio .NET, Ansible, Apple Push Notifications, Perforce, Windows Azure SDK, Bamboo, Basecamp, BigQuery, Bitbucket, Visio, Dapper, Azure DevOps Services, Let's Encrypt, IBM Watson, JetBrains Rider, JetBrains, Kibana, Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), Azure Machine Learning, Mailchimp, Mercurial, RabbitMQ, IBM MQ, Visual Studio, Visual Studio 2008, Visual Studio 2015, Visual Studio 2013, Visual Studio 2010, Visual Studio 2012, MongoDB Atlas, MSTest, TeamCity, Microsoft Team Foundation Server, NGINX, Ngrok, NPM, NuGet, pgAdmin, Prism, RazorSQL, Redmine, RestSharp, Microsoft Unity, Microsoft AI, Microsoft Azure App Service, Microsoft InfoPath, Microsoft Report Builder, Microsoft Web Services, Microsoft Test Manager, Microsoft Unit Tests, Microsoft Visio, Microsoft Word, Terraform, Trello, VirtualBox


Web Architecture, API Architecture, Event Sourcing, Event-driven Architecture, CQRS, Plugin-Based Architecture, Agile Software Development, Functional Programming, Aspect-oriented Programming, Behavior-driven Development (BDD), Test-driven Development (TDD), Model View Viewmodel (MVVM), Model View Controller (MVC), Design-driven Development (D3), Agile, Agile Workflow, DevOps, Team Development, App Development, Load Testing, Testing, E2E Testing, REST, REST API Architecture, Clean Code, HTML DOM, Asynchronous Programming, Socket Programming, W3C, Web Application Architecture, Application Architecture, Enterprise Application Architecture, N-Layered Application Architecture, AOP, Automated Testing, Test Automation, Concurrent Programming, Compiler Design, Object-relational Mapping (ORM), Object-oriented Design (OOD), Serverless Architecture, Service-oriented Architecture (SOA), Clean Architecture, Continuous Deployment, Continuous Delivery (CD), Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Development (CD), CRUD, Database Design, Design Patterns, Gang of Four (GOF) Design Patterns, Azure DevOps, Event-driven Programming, Functional Reactive Programming, Kanban, Manual Testing, Microservices, Microservices Architecture, Class-based OOP, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Prototype-based OOP, Scrum, Requirements Analysis, Responsive, Responsive Layout, Responsive Coding, RESTful Development, Microsoft Query, Distributed Programming, Real-time Systems, Distributed Computing


Azure, Xamarin, Windows, Windows Server, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Android, Linux, NLog, Windows Phone, Amazon EC2, AWS Lambda, Amazon Web Services (AWS), AWS IoT, AWS IoT Core, Telerik, Twilio, Web, Docker, Exchange Web Services, Google Cloud IoT Core, AWS Cloud Computing Services, Telerik WPF, Amazon, Azure IaaS, Azure PaaS, Blockchain, Azure Functions, Kubernetes, Mailgun, Visual Studio 2016, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), New Relic, Parse, Microsoft Push Notification Service (MPNS), Microsoft


JSON, SQL Server 2017, Azure Websites, Azure Tables, RavenDB, MongoDB, Redis, NoSQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, SQL Server Management Studio, Azure Blobs, Azure SQL, Azure DocumentDB, SQLite, PostGIS, PostgreSQL 10, MySQLdb, MySQL Server, Redis Cache, Web Forms, Azure Cache, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Neo4j, Memcached, RDBMS, Oracle RDBMS, Amazon DynamoDB, AWS SimpleDB, DB, Devart, PL/SQL Developer, SQL Loader, SQL Bulk Load from XML, SQL CE, ANSI SQL, Docker Cloud, Azure Active Directory, CouchDB, XML-RPC, XML Schema, SQL Performance, Database Performance, Azure Queue, Cloud Deployment, HTML5 Web Storage, Databases, Database Caching, Database Security, Database Testing, Database Triggers, API Databases, SQL Functions, IIS SQL Server, MongoEngine, MSSQLCE, SQL Server 2010, SQL Server 2012, SQL Server DBA, SQL Server 2014, SQL Server 2008 R2, SQL Server 2008, SQL Server 2000, SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2016, MySQLi, MySQL Daemon, MySQL Clustering, XML Parsing, PL/SQL, Oracle PL/SQL, Microsoft DBA, Distributed Databases


Leadership, Technical Leadership, Data Manipulation, DocumentDB, API Documentation, CSV, CSV Import, CSV Export, CSV File Processing, Bootstrap UI, IIS 8, IIS, Windows Services, DevExpress, Multithreading, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Angular Bootstrap, Redis Clusters, Full-stack Development, Hypervisors, AmCharts, Xamarin.Forms, Xamarin.Mac, PWA, Progressive Web Applications (PWA), WebAssembly, WebSockets, Know Your Customer (KYC), Async.js, AWS Cloud Architecture, AWS DevOps, AWS Database Migration Service, Amazon API Gateway, AWS Certificate Manager, AWS Polly, AWS WorkMail, DI, Agile Deployment, Agile Sprints, Agile Software Testing, Behavioral Testing, Behavior-driven Design, Front-end, Front-end Development, Full-stack, Web Development, Lean Development, UI Development, MVC Development, Load Balancers, Data Loading, Bootstrap Loaders, Dynamic Loading, Dynamic Load Balancing, Elastic Load Balancers, Text to Speech (TTS), A/B Testing, XSS Testing, UX Testing, QA Testing, SOA Testing, SEO Testing, MVT Testing, API Testing, ETL Testing, UI Testing, GUI Testing, APIs, CRM APIs, REST API Clients, Web UI, Web App UI, Web App Deployment, Web App Security, Web App Automation, Web App Testing, Web Applications, Web Servers, Web Server (IIS), Web Services, XML Web Services, WCF Web Services, RESTful Web Services, Web Scalability, C# Operators, CSS Grid, Graphs, GraphDB, HTML UI, HTML5 Video, HTML Email, AI to HTML, PDF to HTML, JavaScript Libraries, Lint, Single Sign-on (SSO), Identity, Identity Server, Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist ADO.Net, Angular Elements, Async/Await, AsyncAPI, PSD to Bootstrap, Mind Maps, Web MVC, MVC Frameworks, Socket Communication, Mailchimp API, Microsoft Graph API, SOLID Principles, Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist WCF, Mobile Architecture, Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA), ArcGIS API, Active Directory Federation, Active Directory Synchronization, Ajax, Authentication, Authorization, User Authentication, Email Authentication, IT Automation, Task Automation, Automated UI Testing, Cloud, Cloud Computing, Concurrent Computing, Optimistic/Pessimistic Concurrency Checks, GitOps, GitFlow, Git GUI, Desktop App Design, Compilers, Telerik Web Controls, Telerik for WinForms, DevExpress Controls, SaaS, SaaS Design, SaaS Monitoring, Enterprise SaaS, Software as a Service (SaaS), SSL, SSL Certificates, SSL Configurations, Xamarin Studio, Zoho, OWIN, OWASP Top 10, OWASP, IoC, Unity (IoC Container), Servers, Serverless, HTTP Server, FTP Servers, SHA, SHA-1, Shell Scripting, Shell Commands, Unix Shell Scripting, SOAP, Algorithms, Linear Algebra, Algebra, Abstract Algebra, Matrix Algebra, Algorithmic Trading, Sorting Algorithms, Clustering Algorithms, Fractal Algorithms, Genetic Algorithms, Database Algorithms, Classification Algorithms, Consensus Algorithms, Amazon SEO, Amazon Route 53, APNs, Apps, App UI, App UX, Website Performance, Performance, Performance Analysis, Performance Tuning, Monitoring, User Monitoring, Network Monitoring, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI), Microsoft Certified Developer ASP.NET, Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist ASP.NET, Microsoft Certified Professional Developer for ASP.NET 3.5, Audio, HTML5 Audio, Audio Streaming, Augmented Reality (AR), Azure Web Roles, Big Data, Big Data Architecture, Google BigQuery, Bitcoin, Deployment, SOA Deployments, Code Deployment, Computer Science, Computer Security, Web Programming, AI Programming, UI Programming, Security Analysis, Web Video, HTML5 Banners, HTML5 Animations, HTML5 Geolocation, Computer Vision, Machine Vision, Computer Vision Algorithms, Real-time Vision Systems, Containers, Containerization, Container Orchestration, Secure Containers, Google Container Engine, Continuous Monitoring, Cryptocurrency, Cryptography, Cryptocurrency APIs, Cryptocurrency Development, Applied Cryptography, Cryptocurrency Payments, Cryptocurrency Wallets, Cryptocurrency Exchanges, Data Analysis, Data Analytics, Data at Rest, Data Structures, Stream Processing, DNS, DNS Servers, Domain Name System (DNS), DNS Configuration, Domain-driven Design (DDD), Encoding, Encryption, Asymmetric Encryption, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Data Encryption, Entity-relationships Model (ERM), Event Source, Lambda Functions, Google Cloud Functions, IBM Watson Analytics, IBM Watson Speech-to-Text, IIS 6, IIS 7, IIS 10, Internet Information Services (IIS), Kubernetes Operations (kOps), Machine Learning, Machine Learning Automation, Amazon Machine Learning, Google Cloud Machine Learning, Manual Software Testing, Message Queues, MSMQ, RESTful Microservices, TFS Work Items, TFS Administration, TFS Customization, TFS Build & Release Management, TFSVC, TFS Automation Build, Team Foundation Server 2013, Team Foundation Server 2015, Team Foundation Server Administration, Excel to MySQL, Neural Networks, Deep Neural Networks, Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN), Convolutional Neural Networks, Natural Language Processing (NLP), NATS, Natural Language Understanding (NLU), Natural Language Queries, Google Cloud Natural Language, OAuth, OOP Designs, Object Recognition, Parsers, Document Parsing, Email Parsing, Source Code Parsing, Screen Scraping, Scripting, Scraping, PDF Scraping, Web Scraping, Data Scraping, PayPal, PCI DSS, PCI/PA-DSS, PL/SQL Tuning, Push Notifications, Silent Push Notifications, Quartz.. NET,质量保证(QA),高代码质量,发布管理,构建 & Release Engineering, Software Release Management, Microsoft Release Management, Requirements, User Requirements, Pull Requests, HTTP Request Methods, Form Requests, Responsive UI, Responsive Design, Responsiveness, Responsive UX Design, RESTful Services, RESTful Routes, Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC), Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Azure Cloud Server, Microsoft Servers, DXF, UML Diagrams, URL Extraction, Virtual DOM, Distributed Systems, Distributed Messaging, Distributed Caches, Distributed Tracing, Distributed Software, Web Crawlers, Large-scale Web Crawlers, GPT, Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT), Mobile App Development

Industry Expertise

IT Security, Security

2005 - 2011


Novosibirsk State Technical University - Novosibirsk


